9th Edinburgh University International Vis Pre-Moot 2019/20
The 9th Edinburgh International Willem C Vis International Commercial Arbitration Pre-Moot took place on Saturday 7 and Sunday 8 March 2019.
This year’s pre-moot took place in most unusual circumstances. First, the coronavirus outbreak compelled us to redouble our efforts to guarantee the health and safety of all our participants. We were committed to ensuring a safe place and system of work for our students, staff, and visitors. We took a proactive approach to identify the potential trend and vulnerability in the environment that could negatively impact on the pre-moot, its participants, and audiences. We used research to identify potential threats and communicated actively with all participants to ensure that all were well and sound. We worked closely with our medical staff to identify and manage potential health risks. Second, the announcement of the cancellation of the final rounds in Vienna on the eve of the pre-moot undoubtedly affected the morale of our participants. To quote Murray Armes, ‘[we] feel great respect for those teams who intend[ed] to make the best of a bad situation’ and stay in the competition. The pre-moot was a tremendous opportunity for all the oralists to hone their advocacy skills. The oralists received feedback from world-class practitioners who helped them (i) develop their listening skills, (ii) become more confident speakers when arguing a point, (iii) and learn to be persuasive while using clear and succinct language.
The Edinburgh Pre-Moot keeps growing and welcoming new teams year after year. This year, it was our pleasure to welcome 14 teams from Britain, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, and Switzerland. Their claims and responses were considered by over 51 seasoned arbitrators including the Hon. Lady Wolffe (Senator of the College of Justice), Angela Grahame QC (Scot) (Former Vice Dean of Faculty), Stephen O’Rourke QC, Iain Aitchison, Donny McKinnon, Victoria Rodriguez Goyena, Sean Sullivan Gibbs, Rob Wilson, and many other reputed scholars and practitioners. As a whole and together with the teams and their coaches, they have all contributed to the success and outreach of this event and we thank them wholeheartedly for their time and consideration.
It cannot be concluded without thanking the Edinburgh team composed of Fergus Whyte (Faculty of Advocates (Devil)), Valerie Boehm, Franziska Heim, Marlene Straub, and Jackson Neagli; our academic liaison officer, Dr John MacLeod; and the founder of the Edinburgh Pre-Moot, Dr Simone Lamont-Black. Heartfelt thanks also to Caroline Michel for her assistance and benevolence throughout the pre-moot.
We would also like to thank all those who have been supporting the pre-moot over the past few years and were unable to attend this year. Thank you to Lynda Ross, Alan McMillan, Dr Lorna MacFarlane, Laura West, and many others.
This event would not have happened without the continuous support of our sponsors. All our thanks go to the Scottish Arbitration Centre, the Scottish offices of CMS, the Faculty of Advocate, and The University of Edinburgh. Without your contribution, this event would not have been a success. Thank you for everything you have done for us in the past, still do, and will continue to do.
This year, we were happy to welcome student teams from (in no particular order):
• Universität Bielefeld (Germany)
• Université de Fribourg (Switzerland)
• The Robert Gordon University (UK)
• University of Aberdeen (UK)
• Université de Fribourg (Switzerland)
• The Robert Gordon University (UK)
• University of Aberdeen (UK)
• University of Southern Denmark (Denmark)
• Università degli Studi di Milano (Italy)
• Università degli Studi di Milano (Italy)
• Aix-Marseille Université (France)
• University of Lucerne (Switzerland)
• University of Bern (Switzerland)
• Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen (Germany)
• University of Edinburgh (UK)
• Queen Mary University of London (UK)
• University of Glasgow (UK)
• University of Lancaster (UK)
The five best oralists were:
The five best teams were:
1. Bielefeld University
2. University of Fribourg
3. University of Bern
4. University of Aberdeen
5. University of Milan
Congratulations to all the other participants and teams and sincere thanks to all our arbitrators (by alphabetical order)
Alberto Brown (The University of Edinburgh)
Aleksandra Tolea (University of Southern Denmark)
Angela Grahame QC (Former Vice Dean of Faculty)
Antonia Welsh (The Faculty of Advocates)
Antonio Marzal, PhD (University of Glasgow)
Arletta Gorecka (University of Strathclyde)
Arne Le Dandeck (Bielefeld University)
Basak Yalman (The University of Edinburgh)
Bethan Jones (Pinsent Masons)
Calum H S MacNeill QC (Faculty of Advocates)
Caroline Michel (The University of Edinburgh)
Carolyn Boyd (Dunne Defence Lawyers)
Christy Foster (Brodies LLP)
David Bartos (Terra Firma)
Donny Mackinnon (Mackinnon Consult)
Fergus Whyte (Faculty of Advocates)
Giovanni Viglino (University of Milan)
Gregor Hayworth (Shepherd and Wedderburn LLP)
Gunnar Jommersbach (Osborne Clarke)
Hew Dundas (International Arbitrator and Remediator)
Iain Aitchison (Ankura)
James Thomson (Gilt Chambers)
John MacLeod (The University of Edinburgh)
John Nicolson (Nicolson & Co)
Kimberlee Lynn Carstensen (QMUL)
Aleksandra Tolea (University of Southern Denmark)
Angela Grahame QC (Former Vice Dean of Faculty)
Antonia Welsh (The Faculty of Advocates)
Antonio Marzal, PhD (University of Glasgow)
Arletta Gorecka (University of Strathclyde)
Arne Le Dandeck (Bielefeld University)
Basak Yalman (The University of Edinburgh)
Bethan Jones (Pinsent Masons)
Calum H S MacNeill QC (Faculty of Advocates)
Caroline Michel (The University of Edinburgh)
Carolyn Boyd (Dunne Defence Lawyers)
Christy Foster (Brodies LLP)
David Bartos (Terra Firma)
Donny Mackinnon (Mackinnon Consult)
Fergus Whyte (Faculty of Advocates)
Giovanni Viglino (University of Milan)
Gregor Hayworth (Shepherd and Wedderburn LLP)
Gunnar Jommersbach (Osborne Clarke)
Hew Dundas (International Arbitrator and Remediator)
Iain Aitchison (Ankura)
James Thomson (Gilt Chambers)
John MacLeod (The University of Edinburgh)
John Nicolson (Nicolson & Co)
Kimberlee Lynn Carstensen (QMUL)
Konstantina Maniati (BlackRock)
Lady Wolffe (Court of Session)
Laura Korn (The Robert Gordon University)
Leonor Agüera Jaquemet (Independent Civil and Common Law Lawyer)
Martin Clement (University of Glasgow)
Max Ransiek (Bielefeld University)
Michael Lampert (Independent Arbitrator)
Michele Angelo Lupoi (University of Bologna)
Murray Armes (Sense Studio Ltd)
Natasha Peter (Gide Loyrette Nouel)
Nicholas McAndrew (The Faculty of Advocates)
Patricia Zivkovic (University of Aberdeen)
Pranav Putcha (Travers Smith LLP)
Rob Wilson (CMS)
Robert Howie QC (Ampersand Advocates)
Ross G Anderson (Ampersand Advocates)
Sean Sullivan Gibbs (Hanscomb Intercontinental)
Stephen O’Rourke (Faculty of Advocates)
Trevor Pettigrew-Smith (Pettigrew Smith Consulting)
Valentino Berger (University of Bern)
Valerie Boehm (The University of Edinburgh)
Veronika Anderson (Scottish Government Legal Directorate)
Lady Wolffe (Court of Session)
Laura Korn (The Robert Gordon University)
Leonor Agüera Jaquemet (Independent Civil and Common Law Lawyer)
Martin Clement (University of Glasgow)
Max Ransiek (Bielefeld University)
Michael Lampert (Independent Arbitrator)
Michele Angelo Lupoi (University of Bologna)
Murray Armes (Sense Studio Ltd)
Natasha Peter (Gide Loyrette Nouel)
Nicholas McAndrew (The Faculty of Advocates)
Patricia Zivkovic (University of Aberdeen)
Pranav Putcha (Travers Smith LLP)
Rob Wilson (CMS)
Robert Howie QC (Ampersand Advocates)
Ross G Anderson (Ampersand Advocates)
Sean Sullivan Gibbs (Hanscomb Intercontinental)
Stephen O’Rourke (Faculty of Advocates)
Trevor Pettigrew-Smith (Pettigrew Smith Consulting)
Valentino Berger (University of Bern)
Valerie Boehm (The University of Edinburgh)
Veronika Anderson (Scottish Government Legal Directorate)
Victoria Rodriguez Goyena (University of Fribourg)
Ylli Dautaj (Byrån Dautaj&Dautaj Handelsbolag, DER Juridik)
Ylli Dautaj (Byrån Dautaj&Dautaj Handelsbolag, DER Juridik)